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Masonic Divisions

Photo du rédacteur: Matéo SimoitaMatéo Simoita

Today, we could identify 12 subjects of division which "fracture" the Masonic landscape; this concerns, with specificities, all the regions of the world; we present them below on the map of France in a random order not related to the geographical area :


For the "laity", the law of 1905 requires the state to ignore the religious fact, the churches must accept the pre-eminence of the republic and not proselytize in the republican space (public places);

For secularists, religious diversity must be taken into account so as not to exacerbate communitarianism.


The reference to landmarks is necessary for "regulars";

For "liberals" it is a dogma incompatible with freedom of conscience.

Centralism (in France, Parisianism)

The pre-eminence of the Parisian headquarters of the obediences and the proximity of the leaders introduced segregation;

There is no problem, the "Parisians" are the most efficient and dynamic elements !


Women don't belong in the dressing rooms and they don't come to mix with men.

Gender diversity is the future of a liberated humanity.

Conflicts of interest

Some Freemasons obviously bring their interests into play when they hold Masonic functions.

We're exaggerating, it's polemic !

The Policy

One cannot be "blind" to political commitment: there are left-wing and right-wing lodges, not to mention the far-right masons, and everyone is passing the buck to find out who is "perjuring"; the same goes for colonialist and anti-colonialist lodges!

Politics is part of the mason's intimacy and one should not refer to it in a lodge!

The high ranks

It's the "cream" of masonry!

It's a hierarchical system that tries to impose itself in front of the Blue Lodges!

The egos

Taboo subject not to be mentioned!

A reality in contradiction with our approach!


A very useful reality to allow each "trend" to exist;

A machine to cultivate antagonisms.


To each one, the ritual that corresponds to his affinities

Rituals are tools for the supreme councils to impose their laws!

Ritual is a tool!

The ritual, the whole ritual, nothing but the ritual!


Spiritualism with its corollary, mysticism, constitutes a deviation from the Masonic approach;

Spiritualism is the real reason for initiation!

Spiritualism imposes the reference to GADLU

Non-belief does not preclude a spirituality.


Zionism Explains Anti-Semitism

Anti-Zionism is a disguised form of anti-Semitism!

It could be the 12 labours of Hercules necessary to give back to our ideal the ability to be heard!

On each of these subjects, clear-cut opinions lead to the absence of dialogue and a certain distance, which is contrary to the Masonic approach which advocates dialogue and mutual understanding in respect.

While being a freemason, one can only suffer to see this state of affairs continue!

What can be done to "gather what is scattered"? 

Should we be satisfied with general impotence and let each one cultivate his "communitarianism"?

Should the "war-mongers" of each opinion manipulate the structures?

Our raison d'être, within the framework of this site, is to want to overcome these differences of appreciation and to contribute to a calming of consciences and a return to the essential: to promote the Beautiful, the Good and the Just!

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